Kevin Fowler
“The FIREDISC® grill is awesome!! Whether we’re using it on tour with the band or on the tailgate of my truck at the deer lease, it always comes through for me. The convenience and compact portability makes it perfect on the tour bus. But the FIREDISC® is equally as functional in my backyard cooking fajitas and drinking beer. Love my FIREDISC®”
The point behind each lyric, each guitar lick, and each twanging-rocking melody is the live show. Fowler has earned his reputation as one of the most amped-up concert performers to emerge from the modern day Texas country movement. For those that have experienced Fowler onstage, then you know he brings unbridled musical muscle to the platform. Backed by his trusty band he’s a dynamo – cracking jokes, hitting high notes, strumming his guitar and putting each of his fans in two-stepping mode.
“From day one I realized I couldn’t control what radio played and what video channels played, but the one thing I could control every night was the live show,” Fowler said. “The musicians want to be there, the fans want to be there and I want to be there. People can listen to the CDs at home. But if they come to the shows they are ready to have a good time for an hour-and-a-half, forget about their problems and forget about work on Monday.”
Pretty much any city in Texas belongs to Fowler, but he will immediately point out that he is quickly growing in Oklahoma and throughout the Midwest, all the way up to Chicago.
Fowler comes from a long line of hunters and fishermen. And if you ask him how often he gets to the hunting grounds and the fishing hole he quickly replies, “Anytime I can!”
How thick is the hunting and fishing blood coursing through Fowler’s veins? You could say it’s totally innate.
“I was born in May and in September of that year I went on my first hunting trip. My dad was a huge bowhunter. I still go bow hunting. That is what we did as a family. We also went on fishing trips every spring break. That made me who I am. It was camping in Colorado, bow hunting in the fall and fishing every spring break. Now it’s all about the camaraderie of friends, getting away, and the freedom of the outdoors.”
“I would have never in a million years thought the Texas music scene would grow to what it is now,” a proud Fowler said. “I was lucky enough to have been there since the inception. I feel proud to have played a part in establishing the scene, in making it what it is. We fought a lot of battles and kicked a lot of doors down. We broke those barriers down back then. And now we are having fun spreading it town by town outside of Texas, just the way we did inside the home state.”