Many holiday gifts, let’s face it, don’t float.
Not literally. We mean, before the gift wrap is off, the disappointment has set in. It’s not just Christmas sweaters that do the trick.
This year, get something hot. For real.
Fun facts about FIREDISC
These are a hit with folks at parties. Unless they don’t have a FIREDISC. Then there’s a distinct dropoff, but they’re still interesting.
- There’s actually a Nation. FIREDISC Nation might not be as rowdy as soccer hooligans, but they sure can cook. Find them on Facebook.
- It can get as hot as 600 degrees. That’s Fahrenheit, in the center of the bowl. Tell me something you can’t cook in that.
- It’s 22 inches wide. Which means you can cook for a crowd. Load it with burgers, fish fry, shrimp, paella, fajitas … and lots of it.
5 reasons to give the gift of FIREDISC
Give the oven a break. Hold off on the stove. And for Pete’s sake, pipe down on the microwave. When you give FIREDISC, you teach a person to cook.
You’ll get invited to dinner
This is as strong a claim as any. If you gift a kickass cooker, an invite to eat will boomerang right around. If you don’t abuse the privilege, it could last indefinitely. The only thing better than cooking on a FIREDISC is eating what others cook on a FIREDISC.
TRY THIS: Show them how to make something on yours first. Madison’s Pan-Seared Steak with Garlic Butter should suffice.
It’s customizable
Fireman Red for your Alabama, Arkansas, and Georgia fans. Jet Black for Central Florida, South Carolina, and Vanderbilt followers. Tall friends get the 36-inch cooker. Bless the lesser in height with the easily-accessible 24-inch model. Any questions?
TRY THIS: Check out bundles for those friends serious about their cooking. There are those for backyard chefs, sportsmen, tailgaters, and more.
It’s good in any season
Whether your toes are frozen or stuck in the sand, you can bet your ass a FIREDISC is good to go. Summer cookouts and fall get-togethers. Set for spring and chill for winter meals. From March Madness to Independence Day, Labor Day to bowl games, it’s always FIREDISC season.
TRY THIS: If your gift recipient’s disc is still in need of seasoning, he or she probably is, too. Invite them over for Wild Rose Petal Sangria and French Toast on the FIREDISC.
It’s a way of life
When you own a FIREDISC, you’ll justify any reason to cook on it. As in, days that end in Y. This isn’t a gift that’ll end up at the thrift store by summer. It’ll be a lot easier to grasp than that Make Homemade Mead kit collecting dust in your online shopping cart.
TRY THIS: Bring a bag of groceries over and whip up some Flippin’ Fabulous Fried Avocados. Or invite them for a Duck Blind Breakfast sometime.
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It’s versatile as all getout
You can’t lose with a FIREDISC. Get a cooker, you’ll want the accessories. Then the Ultimate Flattop Lid, but not without the Ultimate Steaming Grate. FIREDISC cooking keeps an awful lot of us out of trouble. Don’t you owe that to the ones you love on your gift list?
TRY THIS: Haul out your cookers for your next camping excursion or tailgate. Firecracker Chicken is a great choice in any event.
FIREDISC gifts are perfect for those you love — even for those you like. There aren’t many things you can’t make in this thing. Let’s (Christmas) shop.