Power out? You’ve got a lot of strength in your FIREDISC®

FIREDISC® Nation — a resilient bunch.

We found out how resilient during Winter Storm Uri. The snow blast blindsided the Deep South but originated in the Northwest. Folks from Seattle to South Texas and even into Mexico.

And while news reports of devastation came through, we also saw a few familiar cookers out and about.

When Mother Nature plows down power lines, remember: she can’t stop the flicker of a FIREDISC® flame. A trusty FIREDISC® can come in handy when indoor cooking isn’t an option. It’s portable and ready to roll for mealtime in minutes.

What makes FIREDISC® THE cooker for any circumstance?

Built to haul, cooks it all

Uri put a ton of FIREDISC® Universal covers to the test! Those in places like Northern Illinois are a bit more used to snow than those in Houston. Dust away the snow, slide off the cover and fire it up. On your driveway or after a long drive to the country, your disc is good to go.

“I used the hell out of mine this last week to cook when we lost power for four days.” – Michael H., on Facebook

Hot food > cold weather

Winter’s bitter bite can’t hold a candle (or FIREDISC® flame) to what you have cooking. The cooker that’s the center of summertime fun can serve up hot favorites all winter long. With a strong trivet and some caution, bring the disc in as a delicious centerpiece to your table.

And try this:

Gumbo in Gas Cooker


Guar-ahn-TEED to keep you warm. Add the level of spice you find nice to customize.


“With cold weather, a discada is always a good choice to keep warm!” – Alma R., on Facebook

REMINDER: FIREDISC® cookers are for outdoor use only. It’s unsafe to operate a propane cooker in an enclosed area.

You get to cook creatively

Power’s out, and it’s only a matter of time before the food starts to spoil in the icebox. With a little FIREDISC® ingenuity, you can turn that tragic waste of food into a terrific dinner. The fam gets something fabulous. You get a little training for one of those competitive cooking shows.

Win, win.

“When freezing cold and rolling blackouts hit Texas, you pull out the Firedisc and cook whatever you have in the fridge and pantry.  Hash browns and ‘lil cheddar smokies – didn’t suck! – Michael G., on Facebook

You can make every meal on one of these bad boys

Power out in the morning? No biggie — bring on the South Texas Breakfast Tacos. Lost electricity at lunch? Leave it to FIREDISC to get you through with Hunter’s Ultimate Grilled Cheese. On into dinner, when you don’t have the power back on, you’re still set, with this Crappie Fish Fry. (Even dessert, with this fun Funnel Cake. Do it right, right?)

“Snow in San Antonio. The good news is that we now have power! – Sean H., on Facebook”

Whether you’re off the grid or off the power grid, keep fed right with FIREDISC. We love to hear your stories. Join us on Facebook in FIREDISC Nation and let us know how you conquered the storm — or just rocked it on the weekend.